Food And Biotech Engineers India Private Limited
Name:Food And Biotech Engineers India Private Limited
Equipents offer detail
Equipment: Falling Film Evaporators
Equipment Type: Conveyor Equipment -> Conveyor
Unit Type:
Place Of Origin:
Price: Inquire
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Main Features:
Description: Is just one such technique which enable removal of large amounts of wastewater from liquids, at extremely low energy consumption suitable for commercial application in such industries. Added advantage of this technique is that the evaporation can take place under highly evacuated conditions with boiling temperature ranging from 40 C to 70 C making it most convenient for food products which are heat sensitive and therefore require very gentle and careful handling. Such evaporators are, therefore, successfully employed by the various industries over the past many years. The design options available for these type of evaporators include use of either steam as the main source of energy with thermal vapor recompression (TVR) system or electrical power as alternative source of main energy consumption in mechanical vapor compression system (MVR), depending upon the cost of each source at users end to achieve minimum running cost. We have been designing and supplying falling film evaporators since 1985 within south asia through our office in INDIA. Our experience covers a wide range of products in the dairy, malt, sugar, starch, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, distillery effluent and chemical applications. Successful installations include systems upto 32.000 kg. Per hour water evaporation for both options. - Thermal vapor recompression (TVR) as well as - Mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) options.
Recipient: Mr. R.P. Singh Company: Food And Biotech Engineers India Private Limited
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